Paisley Strong Blog Page

Articles and Thoughts for Widows and Supporters

Articles and Thoughts for Widows and Supporters ⚘

The Paisley Strong Blog offers reflections on all areas of widowhood and grief, as well as some suggestions for the supporters of widows.


Karyl McKendry,
Paisley Project Founder

“Although I never considered myself a writer, I am committed to shedding light on the experience of grief and loss from its raw, ugly beginnings, all the way through to its redemptive moments. I talk about the science of grief and loss, about how coaching contributes to healing, about travel, food, nutrition, exercise, and what I’ve learned on my own journey.

Barbara Allen Burke,
Paisley Project Content Director

“My goal is to be able to come alongside widows with respect, support and whatever help I can offer. I try to do this by providing information and resources that might shed light or bring hope. As a writer and a mixed-media artist, I am particularly interested in the benefits of creativity for healing.

Questions with Karyl
For Widows Karyl Mckendry For Widows Karyl Mckendry

Questions with Karyl

These are real questions and real challenges. What many widows don't realize is that countless others are asking these same questions. Yet widows often don't know where to turn. They fear judgment from well-meaning family and friends who, despite caring deeply, simply don't "get it." They may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable asking, and there seems to be nowhere to find answers.

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Paisley Pillars of Healing
Barbara Allen Burke Barbara Allen Burke

Paisley Pillars of Healing

Research shows that these activities transform grief into resilience and our six Pillars of Healing are embedded in every activity and program we offer. Each on its own provides relief and supports a widow’s well-being, providing a stable, grounding place to rest. Combined, they hold space for healing, like then pillars of a building hold up the roof, containing and describing an open protected space within.

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Books, Books, Books
For Widows Guest User For Widows Guest User

Books, Books, Books

Next time when the hours loom long and large, see if any of these books become friends.

And if you are the supporter of a widow, volunteer to read them with her.

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Make A Donation.

Our mission is to provide essential tools and resources to support women to survive, heal, grow, and thrive after the loss of their husbands, while also mobilizing the widow’s own support network.

Learn more about our mission.


Paisley Project is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the state of Colorado.

All donations are tax-deductible.

EIN #47-1052225