How to L.I.V.E.
Working through the L.I.V.E. framework with a quote, a question, and an action.
At Paisley Project, we focus on guiding people through the steps of L.I.V.E. Together, we navigate through (L)oss, reimagine a new (I)dentity, create a (V)ision for our future, and discover how to (E)ngage with the world in meaningful ways.
These are big ideas with lots of moving parts.
This column offers bite-sized ideas for each area: a quote, a question, and an idea for taking action.
It is healthy and holy for joy and grief to co-exist.”
—Holly Gerth
Has your loss heightened your awareness of joy-filled moments? Do you find that each emotion feels more intense because joy and grief exist side by side?
Take a moment to identify three sources of joy in your life right now—whether they're big or small.
If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion, for your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”
—T. D. Jakes
What sparks your curiosity? What captivates your interest? Is there something you'd love to learn, explore, or revisit? What fills your daydreams?
Sometimes the idea of having a “passion” feels intimidating. This week just practice imagining what it would be like to pursue and interest. What is one concrete step you could take to follow-up on it?
“Imagination is everything. It’s your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
—Albert Einstein
If you think about your life five years from now, what is one thing you would like to see made a reality at that time? Is it something you would like to own? An activity you would like to have? Or a quality you would like to nurture?
Take five minutes to imagine or journal about what your life would be like with this idea already incorporated. What would be different?
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” —Howard Thurman
You have a unique combination of who you are, what you've learned, and how your experiences have shaped you. This means your contribution to the world is one-of-a-kind. What special skills, talents, or ideas do you have that the world needs?
This week, pick one of your skills, talents, or ideas and use it to help others. Some examples from Paisley members: reorganizing a friend's cupboards, picking up litter during a walk, sitting and listening to someone who's hurting, or painting a card to send to a friend. What will you do?ision for our future, and discover how to (E)ngage with the world in meaningful ways.