Paisley Project

Now available: Coaching Packages for Widows
Click to Learn More
Now available: Coaching Packages for Widows ⚘ Click to Learn More ⚘
Our mission is to provide essential tools and resources to support women to survive, heal, grow, and thrive after the loss of their husbands, while also mobilizing the widow’s own support network.

What is Paisley Project?
Becoming a widow changes who you are. You won’t be the person you were before. But we can help you figure out who you will become, and new life can be filled with wonder, joy and meaning. The Paisley Project provides concrete resources, practical information, and honest insights into the wacky, irreverent, sometimes gritty but occasionally humorous life of a widow.
Paisley Project is about helping women in life-altering transition after the loss of their husbands. We help them find support and resources to reimagine and reinvent their lives. This can be an exciting, motivating process.
All women, including widows, have unique and special gifts that the world needs. We believe that they should be supported in sharing those gifts, in spite of, or possibly even because of, their loss.
We’re here for you.
Find A Paisley Event
Paisley Project events offer opportunities to connect with other widows in a welcoming environment to relax, restore, create and learn.
We offer regular classes and workshops, as well as restorative retreats in 5 different states that consist of intimate lodging in peaceful settings, including sessions of art and writing therapy focused on grief.
Discover Our Framework
Everyone’s experience of grief and loss is different, but we address each widow’s story with the framework of L.I.V.E. Everyone moves from the point of Loss, to a shift in their sense of Identity, to a development of a new Vision for her life, and eventually to a point of joyful Engagement with the world.
Community and Coaching
We have a private group feed for widows only. It’s a judgment-free safe space to connect, vent, or celebrate your experiences.
We also offer coaching services to widows who want support from our trained team.
Get connected by clicking the button below and filling out the contact form.
Resources for Helpers
We also have resources for the helpers and supporters of widows.
We offer insight into many topics related to widowhood and grief, including: the science of trauma and loss, statistics affecting widows, ideas about how helpers can be most effective and caring, recommended reading lists, and recommended podcasts.

The Paisley Strong Blog
The Paisley Strong Blog offers reflections on all areas of widowhood and grief, as well as some suggestions for the supporters of widows.
We talk about grief and laughter and creativity and family and food.

Make A Donation.
Our mission is to provide essential tools and resources to support women to survive, heal, grow, and thrive after the loss of their husbands, while also mobilizing the widow’s own support network.
Host off-site multi-day restorative retreats for intimate gathering and connection, art therapy, education, and rest. These events also provide respite for the widow’s regular support network;
Develop regular, healing outdoor adventures to reconnect with nature and to provide a safe space for exploration and growth;
Host additional local gatherings on difficult holidays, including Christmas and Valentine’s Day;
Curate products and gifts designed by widows for widows which can be helpful for widows and their families
Your gift helps us…
Provide online and in-person connection to other widows through a private, 24-hour group chat;
Provide an online library of resources and tools to both the widow and her supporting network its website;
Provide online and in-person courses targeted at helping widows survive and thrive after the loss of a husband.
Topics include: art and writing therapy, somatic healing, recreating safe spaces, both emotionally and physically, and navigating changing relationships after loss;
Paisley Project is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the state of Colorado.
All donations are tax-deductible.
EIN #47-1052225

Widow Hotline
(720) 445-8113
Available Daily
(720) 445-8113
Widow Hotline ⚘ (720) 445-8113 ⚘ Available Daily ⚘ (720) 445-8113 ⚘